

2011년 6월 15일 수요일

Final Project - WAR

NO.2  Compare and contrast an ideology that support and oppose war. What are the consequences of war?

Most people don't want war. accoding to article 73% of in korean doesn't support war. but i think many people know that we need to the military and thanks for them. they keep our lifes.
anyway this mean i support our military, not war. People often believe that in order to support our troops, you have to be completely in support of the war. But who is really completely in support of the war.

another case, The majority of Americans, regardless of their political party affiliations, do not approve of the US involvement in the Libyan war, a recent poll shows.

According to a recent CBS News poll, six out of 10 American Democrats, Republicans, and independents think the US should not be involved in the unpopular war on Libya, The Atlantic reported.
it is really irony situation because American people don't want war. but they are satisfied war on Libya. we can see that American's ideology or spread-eagleism.

Several causes operated to begin the war as an ideology, money, the incasion of another country or (natural) resources.
but the most important reason is an ideology.
for example the second world war. it  big countries had differant ideology between fascism and liberal democracy.
dropping atom bombs on japan brought the end of world war 2. also, the apparatus of communism was a failure.

if  Germany won the second world war, could change many countries of ideology ? i don't knew well but might be change everything.

long time ago, in Korea was haunted by the fear of war. so i also don't agree that war.
if hostilies should occur, must be all of people died and make envitonmental pollutone kind of nuclear problem
accoding to acticle that nuclear war of any kind would devastate the Earth's environment and cause incredible cooling in surface temperatures. Yet these climatic consequences are never considered by the nuclear weapon states when they are formulating their nuclear doctrines. and To change this dynamic, the scientific community should pressure countries such as the United States and Russia to better consider the catastrophic potential of their nuclear arsenals.

And wer must change personal identity or ideology, 
you also watch movie "brothers". 
Before leaving on his second tour in Afghanistan, Marine Captain Sam Cahill, a leader, an athlete, a good husband and father, welcomes his screw-up brother Tommy home from prison. He'd robbed a bank. In country, Sam's helicopter is shot down and all are presumed dead. Back home, while Sam wastes away as a prisoner in a remote encampment, Tommy tries to take care of the widow and her two children. While imprisoned, Sam experiences horrors unbearable, so when he's rescued and returns home, he's silent, detached, without affect, and he's convinced his wife and brother have slept together. Demons of war possess him; what will silence them?
i thing Marine Captain Sam Cahill also victim, he really like his job, but he lost his identity and ideology because he killed a men under his command. he felt guilty even thinking that accident. might he never fotget it.

War is make many problem who live or not live...
we should reminded that war is the most barbarous thing

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  1. Thank you for your many posts and for always informing when you are finished with an assignment. Have a great summer!
